UK Repeater LIst

Due to popular request – please see below the UK Repeater list for DV (DStar), Analouge, FM Gateways & UK Simplex Channels

Click the Google Drive link below to download the .CSV file which you need to add to the RptList folder of your SD card.

Once you’ve copied the .CSV file to your radio you neeed to load the file from the SD card into the radio memory. To do this follow these instructions:


Menu > SD Card > Import/ Export > Repeater List

From here select the file on your SD card you have just downloaded (for the download link above.

The once you’ve selected to import the radio will read the CSV file from the SD card and will import these into your radio – at the end of the process it will ask you to reboot the radio – simply turn off and then on the power to the radio.

YSF Users Read This

WiresX users need to do the following in order to get the WiresX functionality to work.

Long press (2secs) the PTT on your radio and wait for the repeater to return carrier.

Now press the WiresX button and the repeater should return the connected room.

From here you can then either direct entry a room you want to connect to or use the room search.

Update on GB7RA

** Update on the repeater **

GB7RA is now back on air – it was off air for about 6 weeks owing to an issue where the bench supply to the repeater went faulty which in turn caused an overvolt situation which took out most of the repeater – none of which was a fault on the repeater but the external PSU from another brand…this happened only a few days after the UK went into lockdown due to Covid-19.

I contacted Yaesu UK who have been nothing short of amazing during this whole situation. The repeater was returned to them for repair once Covid restrictions eased a little. Unfortunately the repeater was non-serviceable but again Yaesu UK dealt with this issue and have swapped out the repeater for a replacement model.

The turnaround time from them to receiving the repeater to it being back on air has been two weeks.

I really value this kind of service from companies which is why I’ve put this section up about it. It’s really good to see just how well they are supporting the amateur radio community even under extreme circumstances.

** Welcome to GB7RA the Wirral MMDVM Repeater **

GB7RA repeater is available on the following frequency.

Output frequency: 439.6500 MHz  
Input frequency:  430.6500 MHz (-9MHz offset)
Band: 70CM(DVU52)  

Modes Enabled:


DStar Logo

Yaesu System Fusion/ C4FM All rooms available 

This repeater supports users of DStar & Yaesu System Fusion/ C4FM. It will allow you to connect using your preferred digital voice (DV) mode. If you use a particular mode please follow the rules of etiquette for that mode, but most of all enjoy using the repeater.

There are timeouts set on all modes so please be aware if you can’t key up the repeater for some reason when you usually can – it’s highly likely it’s because it’s in another mode.

When using YSF/ C4FM you are able to connect to any room.

The repeater is run by myself, Rob (M0ORA) with support from Matt (M0MVR). There is no uptime guarantee, however if the repeater is down please email GB7RA.repeater (at) and we’ll look into it.

Please don’t direct any emails regarding this repeater to any other email address.

There’s a guide in the links showing how to get started with DStar – this guide is very much a work-in-progress and will be updated on a regular basis as I add more details.

The map below is the projected coverage for GB7RA

Coverage Map for GB7RA
Coverage Map for GB7RA